Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Scope Node Laser Mouse

This is the Scope Node, a mouse that the maker Elecom claims is as accurate as a pen. “Like Holding a Pen" says the accompanying publicity, which to us this seems to be up there with “Like you just stepped out of a salon" when it comes to product claims.

The USB mouse is indeed quite accurate, going on its respectable 1,600 dpi resolution, but here’s the real gimmick: According to Elecom, the laser-eye which does the mousing is placed just where a pen tip would be - if you were holding a pen.

Clear nonsense. But what about those looks? The gray metallic carapace looks like it’s about to transform into a giant robot and battle the Decepticons. Even the name, Scope Node, sounds somehow interstellar. You can have this magnificent piece of nonsense for around ¥6,000, or $62 US.

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