Saturday, April 4, 2009

Star Trek

Set before "The Original Series" Kirk and Spock are newly graduated Cadets fresh from Starfleet Academy and are sent on their first space mission.

Main Cast
Chris Pine • James T. Kirk
Jennifer Morrison • Winona Kirk
Simon Pegg • Scotty
Winona Ryder • Amanda Grayson
Eric Bana • Nero
Zoe Saldana • Nyota Uhura
Zachary Quinto • Spock
Leonard Nimoy • Old Spock
Karl Urban • Dr. Leonard 'Bones' McCoy
John Cho • Hikaru Sulu
Rachel Nichols • Orion
Anton Yelchin • Pavel Chekov
Diora Baird • Orion slave girl
Tyler Perry • Starfleet Academy President

Release Date: 8 May 2009 (USA)

Unlike the upcoming X-Men Origins: Wolverine movie, I haven't managed to find the full Star Trek movie available streaming online (yet). I'm glad though, because based on that trailer, I'll definitely have to see this one in theater.

Even though the reboot has yet to hit theaters, that hasn't stopped Paramount from preparing for its sequel. The studio has picked up Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman and Damon Lindelof to scribble out part deux for what Paramount is hoping is a profitable venture when Star Trek opens in Sydney for its world premiere.

Director J.J. Abrams is on contract to produce but no word if the Cloverfield director will helm.

The screenplay's first draft is expected to be finished by the end of the year with a possible summer 2011 release.


  1. This lookin like it would be good. Surprising

  2. Hey, I'm sorry for this. I saw you're following my blog. And that you're from trinidad too. I didn't know how else to contact you. I don't talk to much trinidadians online. It might be fun.

    Tell me how I can contact you? ok later.

  3. i got the ad and i emailed you... and thanks soooo much for commenting on my blog... wud u like me to remove the ad from the shoutbox now? so no one else will get it?

  4. oh hai
    I read the comments you left on my posts (sorry i dun know how to reply to comments here yet D: ) and I do like the idea of being bribed for bleach art (oh ho, ho, ho xD )i'll think of something.

    p.s I can't believe you don't remember the ball and chain weapon! Have you ever played the game? O___o;;
